Demografy January Update

Subscriptions, API, smarter file import, better performance and more



Those of you who already familiar with Demografy, may skip further. For those of you who do not yet know Demografy, let us briefly introduce customer demographic prediction platform Demografy.

Demografy is a privacy focused customer demographic prediction platform that uses AI to predict demographic data from masked names.

Unlike traditional solutions, businesses don’t need to know and disclose their customers’ sensitive information. This makes Demografy privacy by design and provides 100% coverage of any list.

The past year was not easy for all of us including Demografy. But we are happy to announce that entering 2021, we’re rolling out a new version of the platform.

Demografy has become more mature and we’re introducing a list of new features and improvements. The key of them are:

  • Subscription plans
  • Developer API
  • Improved file import experience
  • Performance optimization

Subscription Plans

First of all, we are adding both monthly and semi-annual subscription plans for our clients so everyone can pick much more cost-effective option depending on their needs and volumes. Pay-as-you-go plan billed per usage is still available for everyone who needs data only once. Plans differ by number of records you can process monthly, API access, API rate limits and third-party integrations (the latter is coming soon).

Subscription Plans

Developer API

Demografy API enables you to power your apps and services with advanced demographic prediction technology. You can now develop custom and flexible integrations with Demografy using any programming language and technology stack. Interactive Swagger documentation, API supporting virtually any use case and SDKs for dozens technology stacks will help you develop and deploy your apps as quick as possible. API is available on paid subscription plans.

Example of request and response of /api/v1/audiences/predict

Improved File Import Experience

New reworked file import experience analyzes file content and automatically tries to detect key columns in your spreadsheet file. Additionally, you can specify columns manually. New file import supports less strict spreadsheet formats covering more files you already have at hand without additional pre-processing.

File import

Performance Optimization

We have also done great work at improving performance of segmentation of even large files. In most cases, you will be able to get results instantly without leaving dashboard. Just wait for up-to 1 minute or few minutes depending on the size of your file. In some cases, if you upload the entire population of average city, it can take longer and you will be notified by email as soon as your data is ready :-)

Get your data instantly

We hope this January update will make the platform more suitable and adapted for your growing and changing business needs.

There is more to come so stay tuned! Our current focus for the next release is:

  • Third-party integrations with CRMs and other platforms
  • More demographic indicators
  • Improved accuracy

Sign up using the below link to get limited extended trial —




Privacy by design AI platform that predicts customer demographics using only names -